Parenting Videos

On Being “Perfect” and Helping Kids Get They Are Enough Exactly As They Are


Helping children shift negative self-perceptions and reactions


Connecting deeply with kids as a result of doing our own inner work


No longer Arguing Over Reality –

Getting Underneath the “Story” to Create Connection


Helping Kids Cultivate a Strong Sense of Unconditional Self-Worth


Engaging kids in conversation:

Understanding them so they can better understand themselves


Why it is that your kids have never disrespected you


Breaking Unhealthy Patterns by Processing The Feelings That Are Behind Reactivity


Why Working On Your Personal Issues is Essential to Creating Connection With Your Children


Understanding Your Child’s Perceptions of Reality


Creating Connection and Understanding with Boys who are Less Talkative


Creating safety, relating to feelings and using curiosity


Modeling Emotional Transparency to Support Kids in Talking About Their Feelings


Engaging kids in conversation: Working with your feelings in the moment of conflict

Stepping up your Communication Skills with “Explorative Dialogue”


Breaking Unhealthy Patterns by Processing The Feelings That Are Behind Reactivity


Helping kids begin to comprehend and learn to embrace self-responsibility

The paradigm shift of relating more deeply with kids than ever before

Modeling Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Transparency, and Emotional Courage