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Guided Meditations:

For those who are working with me, these will likely make for sense and be more relevant.  For those of you who are not, feel free to try them out.


Metabolizing Emotional Energy

(How to process your feelings)

Being FULLY present with our feelings can be like sitting in a fire – but this kind of fire, as intense and hot as it may be at times, is the doorway into deep healing and integration.  Getting present and receptive with the emotional experiences that are held in body allows us to metabolize and process the undigested and unintegrated emotional energies that you are still carrying around –  enabling us to become more present, grounded and calm.

Metabolizing Emotional Energy Guided Meditations

The 8-Minute Version (More In-Depth, has more guidance)

The 3-Minute Version (After you work with the 8-min one a few times)

Connecting deeply with the “Inner Child”:

That part of ourselves that was often or occasionally impacted negatively as a child by not feeling positively received, loved, accepted or safe is alive and well, held in our bodies – and is the source of much of our reactivity, guarding, closed-heartedness or defensiveness.  These take a deep dive into three critical aspects of relating to this part of ourselves in a deeply healing and integrative way.

Inner Child Connection – 10 minutes

Inner Child Connection – 3 minutes, for females specifically

Inner Child Connection – 3 minutes, for males specifically

Getting present:

Here’s a quick one that can drop you back in your body, centering you in the midst of whatever experience you are having in the moment.

Quick Presencing Exercise – 3 minutes

Getting present – transitioning back into parent-mode:

Here is a 5-minute meditation that can help you be more present in your transition from the details of your personal or professional lives into time with your family – allowing you to be more present, grounded and able to meet the deeper needs of the family.

Parent Transitioning Exercise – 5 minutes


Spoken Work Poetry


About this poem: When I was in Germany in 2001, finishing a treatment for a pretty stubborn kind of cancer, I met a young girl on a train who was just diagnosed with MS a month earlier – and we talked about the nature of healing for a while, until we came to her stop by a quiet farm outside the city. This poem was inspired from that rainy-day train-ride conversation.  Moments after she went her way, I broke out a journal, and this is what landed on the page. I hope it may serve you in some way.